
SOUTH SUMATRA - The Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) in Palembang City has increased again due to fog from forest and land fires (karhutla).

ISPU in Palembang had started to improve a few days earlier. "Yes, after yesterday the ISPU figure was improved below 200, this morning the ISPU in Palembang City was again above 300," said Head of Section (Kasi) of Pollution Control of the South Sumatra Provincial Agency Rezawahya confirmed, in Palembang, South Sumatra (Sumsel), Tuesday, October 17, which was confiscated by Antara. He added that the ISPU was at 300 micrograms, causing the quality of air in this city to fall back into the category of danger. The cause is because the number of hotspots in South Sumatra forest and land fires rose almost eight times to 1,100 points compared to the previous 150 points. He added that the forest and land fires in the area closest to Palembang City, namely Ogan Komering Ilir and Banyuasin Regency as well as in Palembang City there was a land fire, so the impact of the smoke fog was felt by the residents.

In addition, the potential for rain has not yet occurred, so the condition of thick smoke is still surrounding the city. "We urge the public not to do too much activity outside the home and wear masks if they have to do activities outside and keep healthy and then drink more water," he said.

Sebelumnya Koordinator Bidang Observasi dan Informasi BMKG Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin (SMB) II Palembang Sinta Andayani mengatakan hujan merupakan hal yang paling efektif untuk memadamkan karhutla yang terjadi saat ini.Ia menerangkan berdasarkan prakiraan iklim jangka panjang, hujan, dengan intensitas deras dan durasi yang lama di Sumsel baru akan terjadi di tanggal 20 Oktober ke atas.

"With the rain, it is hoped that the ISPU can be overcome," he said.

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