
JAKARTA - Director of Public Reporting and Complaints of the KPK, Tomi Murtomo, has finished undergoing examination as a witness in the alleged extortion case of former Minister of Agriculture (Mentan) Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL. The examination lasted 6.5 hours.

Tomi, who appeared to be wearing a white shirt, left the Metro Jaya Police promoter building at around 18.00 WIB.

He did not make many statements. Tomi only said that everything related to the examination process would be conveyed by investigators as the competent authority.

"Safe, safe. Just ask the investigators later," said Tomi, Monday, October 16.

Then, Tomi immediately got into a red Mitsubishi Xpander with police number B 1373 SQR.

Separately, the Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak, said that the Tomi examination process underwent an examination from 10.30 WIB to 17.00 WIB.

"The examination has been completed. Starting at 10.30 WIB until 17.00 WIB," said Ade.

Tomi Murtomo was scheduled to provide information on October 12. However, he could not attend.

Tomi's absence was hampered by work. Because, it must follow a series of activities that have been scheduled at the KPK.

Through an employee of the KPK's legal bureau, Tomi wrote and asked for a reschedule. So, it is planned that the KPK employee will be examined next week.

Meanwhile, the development of the handling of this case, Polda Metro Jaya has examined 12 witnesses. Two of them are SYL and the Semarang Police Chief Kombes Irwan Anwar.

Then, investigators have also examined Kevin Egananta, Friday, October 13. He is an ADC or an aide to the Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri.

The series of examinations of dozens of witnesses aimed at finding a suspect in the alleged extortion. This is because the status of the case has been upgraded to the investigation stage. This means that it is believed that there is a criminal offense.

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