
JAKARTA - Syahrul Yasin Limpo's attorney alias SYL, Febri Diansyah, sniffed out irregularities in the arrest of his client by the KPK. SYL had previously been named a suspect by the KPK in the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).

Febri explained that SYL received the first summons for examination from the KPK on Wednesday, October 11, 2023. However, the Nasdem politician asked for his examination to be rescheduled because he had to visit his mother first in Makassar.

However, on the same day, it turned out that there was a second summons and an arrest warrant.

"It turned out that on the 11th there was also an arrest warrant and the second summons were also dated on the 11th to be examined on Friday 13th," said Febri in Jakarta, Friday, October 13 in the morning.

For this reason, the former spokesman for the KPK saw irregularities in SYL's arrest. Febri assessed that the process of arresting SYL was not going through a process that was common.

"So the series of processes is so fast and when compared to the process of summoning other suspects, of course there are questions related to this process," said Febri.

It was reported that SYL was arrested by the KPK in an apartment in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta on Thursday (12/10/2023) at around 19.02 WIB. SYL was immediately taken to the KPK's Red and White Building for inspection.

The Head of KPK News, Ali Fikri, said that in making arrests, the KPK must have a strong legal basis.

In the corruption case that dragged SYL, according to Ali, there were several things that were seen by following various developments.

Moreover, previously SYL had been summoned by the KPK investigating team, but was unable to attend because he was in Makassar. SYL reasoned that he had to meet his sick mother.

It is known that the KPK named SYL and two of his subordinates as suspects in the alleged corruption case at the Ministry of Agriculture. Two other SYL subordinates who are suspects are the Director of Agricultural Equipment and Machinery of the Ministry of Agriculture, Muhammad Hatta and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Kasdi Subagyono.

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