
WARINGIN TIMUR - Central Kalimantan (Central Kalimantan) Police Chief Inspector General Nanang Avianto promised to conduct an investigation into allegations that police officers shot residents during clashes in the oil palm plantation area of PT Hamparan Bangun Persada (HMBP) in Bangkal Village, Seruyan Regency, last Saturday.

The investigation carried out by the Central Kalimantan Police with the help of Puslabfor, Itwasum, Divpropam, and Bareskrim Polri was to reveal the cause of the clashes between the police and residents.

As a result of the clashes, one resident died and another was injured, allegedly hit by a live bullet.

"There is already an ongoing investigation team," Nanang said at a press conference Wednesday, October 11.

Nanang said he would convey the results of this investigation later. Nanang promised his staff would be transparent in investigating the shooting incident that killed residents in Seruyan.

"We are transparent, we are responsible and will provide true information," he said.

For this reason, Nanang asked the public to maintain a conducive atmosphere. On that occasion, Inspector General of Police Nanang Avianto also expressed his deep sorrow to the victim's family. Nanang hopes that a similar incident will not happen again.

"I as the head of the Central Kalimantan Police want to convey my condolences to the families of the victims for the incident that occurred on Saturday. Of course this is something we don't want and of course we also have to be realistic in seeing a problem. The situation is now conducive. So I hope that in solving a problem, let's sit down together, so that in mediation we can produce a permanent solution so that it can be accepted by all parties," he said.

Meanwhile, Alexius S Litter as the victim's family representative urged the Kateng Police to thoroughly investigate the shooting case. The victim's family also demanded that PT HMBP be responsible for the incident.

"The family is waiting for the results of an investigation from the National Police Headquarters to look for facts on the ground. We from the family also demanded that the PT HMBP company take responsibility because this is because of our unprecedented demands", he explained.

It was reported that the clash between residents of Bangkal Village and the police was due to the absence of a meeting point on the demands of PT HMBP to provide 20 percent of plasma plantations and hand over forest areas outside the HGU covering an area of 1,175 hectares so that they could be managed by residents of Bangkal Village.

This case caught the public's attention after residents staged several actions that led to clashes that killed a resident.

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