
Polda Metro Jaya has finished examining Kombes Irwan Anwar as a witness in the alleged extortion case carried out by the leadership of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) against former Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo or SYL, Wednesday, October 11, evening.

The examination of the Semarang Police Chief lasted for 7 hours and investigated the alleged extortion incident in a series of corruption crimes.

"It was finished at around 22.30 WIB. The examination took about 7 hours. He was examined in his capacity as a witness," said Special Criminal Investigation Recruitment of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak to VOI, Thursday, October 12.

However, it was not explained in more detail about the number of questions raised to Kombes Irwan Anwar. Only the examination of the Semarang Police Chief investigated the alleged occurrence of a criminal act of extortion that was included in the Corruption Crime Act.

"For the examination material of the person concerned, it is certain that the alleged corruption case that is currently being handled by the Corruption Sub-Directorate Investigation Team of the Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya," he said.

Ade emphasized that other developments in the handling of this case could not be conveyed. This is because the investigation process is still ongoing.

"The investigation process is still ongoing and is in progress," said Ade.

Kombes Irwan Anwar had previously admitted that he had accompanied Syahrul Yasin Limpo to meet KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. The meeting is said to take place in 2021

"There has been in 2021, approximately in February, I was asked to accompany Pak SYL to meet Pak Firli," said Irwan.

At that time, the meeting of the two state officials discussed a cooperation agreement to prevent corruption at the Ministry of Agriculture. However, regarding the details of the conversation, Irwan claimed not to know about it.

"In order to build or create a discussion on cooperation to prevent corruption or assistance in the Ministry of Agriculture, in this case, corruption prevention is all I know," he said.

Asked about the alleged involvement as a person who handed over money from SYL to Firli Bahuri, Irwan firmly denied it. It said that when accompanying the former Minister of Agriculture, there had never been any submission.

"The handover of the money is not true, I have never felt it," said Irwan.

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