
JAKARTA - Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo dismissed the statements of witnesses Irwan Hermawan and Resi Yuki Bramani regarding the provision of Rp27 billion to secure the 4G Kominfo BTS case.

The rebuttal began when member judges read witness Resi's statement who said that he had come to Dito Ariotedjo's house twice while carrying gifts.

"The first box was a bit small. But he didn't know what it was. There was a parcel (at) the first meeting. Resi's statement," said the judge during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, October 11.

In Resi's statement, said the judge, the gift was given based on orders from Irwan Hermawan and Anang Achmad Latif.

Referring to Irwan Herwaman's statement, it was said that he had met with Dito.

Kembali dengan keterangan Resi, disebutkan pada pertemuan kedua kembali diserahkan bincangan dengan ukuran yang lebih besar.

"Then, at the second meeting he brought the gift again which was rather large, it was Resi's statement and was received by the brother at Denpasar's house," said the judge.

"Now you are firm again, is there really such a gift?" asked the judge added.

"The fact is I have never received a gift," replied Dito.

The judge continued his absorption by mentioning that the parcel was said to contain money.

"I'll never accept it, especially since I know what's in it, sir," said Dito.

Dito said that the money with a nominal value of Rp27 billion could not be submitted in the form of gifts. Because, the amount is very large.

The judge replied that the money was not in rupiah, but in Singapore dollars and US dollars.

"So you've never received the two gifts, have you?" asked the judge emphasizing.

"Never received His Majesty," said Dito.

Dito Ariotedjo testified in the trial for the defendant former Minister of Communications and Informatics, Johnny G Plate; former President Director (Managing Director) of Bakti Kominfo, Anang Achmad Latif; and former Human Development Expert (Hudev) Universitas Indonesia (UI) Yohan Suryanto.

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