
TASIKMALAYA - A sword was shown by Kiai Acep Tohir Fuad at Ganjar Pranowo during the 2024 presidential candidate visiting Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School, Tuesday, October 10. The sword was not an ordinary sword, but a sword that Kiai Zainal Musthafa, Kiai Acep's father, used to fight against the invaders.

"This is a sword from Mr. Ganjar's bamboo. In the past, the weapon used against the invaders was this. The presidential candidate must know this," explained Kiai Acep.

Kiai Acep explained that in the past Kiai Zainal Musthafa and the students fought using swords and spears from bamboo. However, even though it is from bamboo, swords and bamboo spears (sharp bamboo) that are used are not weapons carelessly.

"This is originally yellow, it turns brown like this because there are blood marks, sir. And this is not just a weapon, the person holding it is bullet-proof," explained Kyai Acep.

Ganjar also held the sword from bamboo while listening to the story of Kiai Zainal Musthafa's struggle. How used to be Kiai Zainal Musthafa fought in the legendary Sukanamah battle. A total of 86 students of Kiai Zainal died and were buried in one hole. Meanwhile, Kiai Zainal was detained in Jakarta and sentenced to death by the Japanese army.

"In the past, my father's grave was in Jakarta, then at the request of his family was moved here," explained Kiai Acep.

Kyai Acep also invited Ganjar to visit the tomb of the hero, which is not far from the boarding school. At the hero's grave, Kiai Zainal Musthafa and his students lay.

Ganjar accompanied by Kiai Acep and the Regent of Tasikmalaya prayed at the tomb of Kyai Zainal Musthafa and the students who had died against the invaders. He had a chance to sow flowers in each of the graves of the martyrs.

"It turns out that Kiai Zainal Musthafa is Kiai Acep's father who is also a hero. He fought when he was young, aged 44, fighting against the invaders and died," said Ganjar.

Kiai Zainal proved that many scholars in Indonesia are fighting to defend the Republic of Indonesia with their lives at stake. So the next generation must learn how to be patriotic, nationalist to the fighters who died defending the Indonesian republic, including those from among the ulama.

"We learn very well from his character, many scholars have a patriotism, nationalist attitude and sacrifice their body and soul for Indonesia. This is an important lesson for the next generation of the nation, how we can maintain the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia wherever we are," he concluded.

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