
JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) fully supports the consistency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Kemenlu) to play an active role in realizing permanent peace for Palestine.

This was said by the Main Expert of KSP Siti Ruhaini Dzuhayatin in response to the conflict between the Palestinian militant group Hamas and Israel that has occurred in recent days.

"Indonesia continues to encourage all UN members to seriously resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict so that lasting peace is achieved," said Ruhaini in Jakarta, Sunday, October 8.

Ruhaini emphasized that Palestinian independence is the mandate of the Indonesian constitution, namely the independence of the rights of all nations. In addition, Palestinian independence is also the mandate of the Non-Aligned Summit initiated by Indonesia in 1955 in Bandung which has not yet been achieved.

For this reason, he said, Indonesia consistently encourages international diplomacy for Palestinian independence, and seeks to strengthen Palestinian capacity in cooperation in the fields of bureaucracy, economy, and education.

Furthermore, Ruhaini explained that the Indonesian government through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had encouraged Palestine and Israel to exercise restraint, and continue to seek a peaceful path in resolving the problems of the two countries. Conflict resolution must touch the root of the problem, namely compliance with the United Nations convention on the solution of the two countries in the contested region.

"Israel must comply with the UN convention by withdrawing troops and stopping aggression on occupied territories in Palestine," he said.

On that occasion, Ruhaini also expressed the attitude of KSP which strongly condemns the conflict and violence between the two Palestinians and Israel. "This conflict and violence must be stopped because it has caused casualties, both dead and injured," he said.

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