Ship Contains 6 Bengkunat Lampung Residents Overturned Hit By Waves, Evacuation Involves Police And 30 Fishermen
Illustration of missing persons allegedly drowned. (Pixabay)


The West Coast Police evacuated 6 fishermen who were victims of a marine accident in the waters of Bengkunat District, Lampung. The two boats that the fishermen were traveling in overturned were hit by big waves.

"All fishermen have been evacuated to the mainland safely on Karang Cunggung Beach, Belimbing, Pekon Bandar Dalam, Bengkunat District, West Coast Regency on Friday," said West Coast Police Chief AKBP Alsyahendra, when contacted from South Lampung, Friday, October 6, confiscated by Antara.

He explained that the incident experienced by the fishermen was known to the police based on information about the existence of an overturned fishing boat in Bengkunat waters.

"When he heard information about the sea accident, the West Coast Police responded quickly by visiting the TKP and immediately evacuating 6 fishermen who were using two boats were adrift in the middle of the sea," he said.

He also said the rescue involved as many as 30 fishermen from Karang Canggung Port, Pekon (Village) Bandar Dalam.

Then the Police Chief also explained that the identities of all the victims of the sinking fishing boat came from Bengkunat District.

"As for the identity of the victim on behalf of Purwanto, 25 years old, he suffered minor abrasions on his left leg, 21 years of Cecep, suffered minor abrasions on his shoulder, 23 years of Eko was not injured, all three were located at Pekon Bandar Dalam, Bengkunat District, using a boat called Lambung Anugerah," he said.

As for the other three victims who used a boat called Lambung Kian Santang, identified as Munajam 33 years old, Wardi 45 years old, and Rasam 40 years old, the three of them were not injured and had their address at Pekon Bandar Dalam, Bengkunat District.

He appealed to all people who want to go to sea to look for fish to be more vigilant and careful due to bad weather in large waves and hoped that similar incidents would not happen again.

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