
CIANJUR - Will Presidential Candidate (Readpres) Ganjar Pranowo discuss with millennial farmers in Padakati Village, RT 04/RW 01, Tegallega Village, Warungkondang District, Cianjur Regency, West Java.

At first, Ganjar walked out in the morning with his wife Siti Atikoh on the slopes of Mount Gede Pangrango, then accompanied by one of the millennial farmers from Cianjur Regency, Sandi Octa Susila.

During the trip to trace the slopes of Mount Gede Pangrango, Ganjar and Sandi also talked about agriculture, one of which was regarding tea in Indonesia.

"But actually we have the potential to develop our tea better," said Ganjar.

Ganjar also praised Sandi's steps for always providing breakthroughs for agriculture in Indonesia. One of them is making a greenhouse for agricultural crops in Tegallega Village, Cianjur Regency by involving local residents there.

Ganjar also visited a greenhouse in Tegallega Village. There he saw the momotaro tomatoes farming plant that had been run.

He makes a greenhouse, he moves to make extraordinary energy. With extraordinary technology, this extraordinary investment is cheaper. His technology from within the country, then managed by local people and practiced it is tomatoes," he said.

The former governor of Central Java for two periods also hopes that what Sandi has done can be imitated and applied by other young people.

"That continuue is done, and this has met technology upstream, cultivation, sales are also at good prices. Young people are seen there, full technology and this is on the slopes of Mount Gede Pangrango, this is cool," said Ganjar.

Meanwhile, Sandi was happy to be able to talk with one of the presidential readings, namely Ganjar Pranowo. He said the conversation was not about politics, but about the agricultural economy in the village.

"I'm happy with the road experience earlier, we discussed a lot, it's not a political issue, but we're talking about how the economy in this rural area is," said Sandi.

Sandi also openly praised Ganjar Pranowo for focusing on talking about food problems. Especially during his leadership of Central Java, the white-haired man was able to maintain food security in good condition, especially in terms of maintaining food price stability.

"Of course with his program of food security, the regeneration of millennial farmers is very much needed, and it is very appropriate for efforts to encourage this. Millennials should be something fresh and have good hopes," said Sandi.

Ganjar's efforts in empowering the poor and anticipating food insecurity. Ganjar initiated the establishment of a Farmer-Owned Enterprise (BUMP), which is a business entity formed, owned, and managed by farmers.

Then during Ganjar's tenure as governor, Central Java was one of the national rice barn areas.

"Talking about food issues, this is talking about life being a leader who has spoken about focusing on food security. Moreover, going further about food security feels the most appropriate," said Sandi.

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