
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said shopping for the main weapon system equipment or TNI defense equipment must be carried out based on a priority scale. "Yes, there must be a priority scale, defense equipment is important but it must be seen whether there is something more important, whether we will go to war, right? So which one must take precedence, which priority scale," said Jokowi after attending the ceremony to celebrate the TNI's 78th Anniversary at Monas, Jakarta, Thursday 5 October, confiscated by Antara. In his mandate at the TNI Anniversary ceremony, Jokowi conveyed that defense equipment spending should be carried out wisely. He said what the three TNI dimensions displayed in the defile at Monas was very complete in showing Indonesia's military strength. He also conveyed that the quality of the national defense equipment is currently visible from the defense equipment displayed on the TNI's anniversary this time. "Yes, you can see for yourself, it can be judged for yourself. What was displayed earlier was very complete, even though it was only a small part, but it has shown more or less what our strength looks like," he said.
Jokowi admitted that there was indeed a need for improvement, but overall the TNI's defense equipment was good. "Indeed, we still need to improve a lot, we evaluate it, but in general I think it's good," he explained. Previously, Jokowi announced a budget allocation of IDR 39.47 trillion for the modernization of the TNI's defense equipment in 2024. The budget is included in the Ministry of Defense (Kemhan) shopping list. The total allocation of Ministry of Defense expenditures based on the program reached IDR 135.44 trillion in the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN).

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