
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, reminded TNI soldiers to continue to uphold integrity and professionalism, especially in this political year.

In the 78th Anniversary of the TNI, Puan advised the TNI to participate in the success of the 2024 General Election while still upholding neutrality. He hopes that all members of the TNI can work hand in hand in guarding the democratic party.

"As a pillar of national defense and security, the TNI must be able to maintain integrity and professionalism so that it remains neutral and does not get involved in practical politics," said Puan while attending the commemoration of the TNI's 78th Anniversary at Monas, Thursday, October 5.

The implementation of the 2024 General Election will be one of the factors to accelerate the nation's steps to realize Indonesia Gold in 2045. Puan also asked the TNI leadership to be an example for all its personnel to prioritize the professionalism and integrity of soldiers.

"The TNI leadership must be able to maintain solidity so that none of its members are involved in practical politics. Either directly or indirectly," he said.

Furthermore, Puan appreciated the efforts of the TNI which had fought diligently and persistently to ensure that the Indonesian people could live in peace and independence. As the protector and guardian of the country's sovereignty, the TNI is said to have been imprinted on the hearts of all Indonesian people.

"The TNI's concern for the security of the country and the welfare of its people is a value we really appreciate. Tri Dharma Eka Karma," said Puan.

For Puan, the TNI has a big responsibility to strengthen and maintain the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Puan believes that the TNI will carry out its duties and carry out its mandate with full dedication.

"The TNI has become the pride and bulwark of Indonesia's defense. I am sure that the TNI will continue to be an increasingly professional organization, more synergized with other institutions for the benefit of the country, and closer to the hearts of the Indonesian people," said Puan.

On the other hand, Puan assessed that TNI soldiers continue to prove that they have become real people's soldiers by going down directly to help the community. Both in urban areas and in rural areas.

"The presence of the TNI is a guarantee that Indonesia will continue to fight for unity and peace. The TNI also has a role in ensuring the welfare of the people. I hope that the TNI will continue to strengthen, enlarge, and unite the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia as well as possible," said Puan.

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