
The fire that occurred on the slopes of Mount Agung in Karangasem Regency, Bali, has now spread to the protected forest area.

The protected forest fires include the areas of Sentas Hamlet, Baturinggit Village, Juntal Hamlet, Kubu Village, Moncol Pikat Hill, Ban Village, Moncol Anyar Hill, Ban Village, and Dukuh protected forest, Dukuh Village, Karangasem.

"The cause of the incident is not yet known," said I Made Rentin as the Chief Executive of the Bali Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), Tuesday, October 3.

The joint team moved to Belong Hamlet, Ban Village, in Kubu District, to see the current situation. No hotspots were found.

"In the morning, trees were extinguished which were burned by the Bukit Anyar (Forest Farmers Group) KTH by manual," he added.

The joint team also moved to PT Bali Anacardia, which is located bordering the forest and at the same time meeting with the Chairman of the Bukit Anyar KTH in Belong Hamlet, Ban Village, Kubu District for the delivery of masks.

Meanwhile, the second joint team headed to Hamlet Hamlet, Dukuh Village, Kubu District to see the current situation of former forest and land fires and carry out further monitoring.

"Currently, the situation at the location has hotspots but the fire cannot be extinguished because the fire is opposite the ravine, as well as the strong wind of the team at the location is still monitoring until 17.30 WITA. Then the team returns to their respective posts and will resume monitoring tomorrow," he explained.

Meanwhile, for the area in Juntal Hamlet, Kubu Village, forest and land fires were successfully extinguished.

"So from September 27 to October 3, 2023, the total area burned in the protected forest area of Mount Agung is estimated to reach 645 hectares and losses are not yet known," he said.

"Because the weather is still hot at the location and also the dry season still allows forest and land fires," said Rentin.

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