PALANGKA RAYA - Central Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Nanang Avianto inspected the location of forest and land fires (karhutla) in Tanjung Taruna and Tumbang Nusa villages, Pulang Pisau Regency, which is suspected to be the cause of the smog in the local area.
Head of Public Relations Kombes Erlan Munaji said that apart from reviewing the location of the fire, his party also mapped the area where forest and land fires occurred in the local area.
"Not only that, the Kapolda and his entourage also participated in reviewing the fire extinguishing process, as well as checking the condition of the drill well near the location of the fire," said Erlan Munaji as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, October 3.
His party also immediately coordinated with the local government, to maximize efforts to handle forest and land fires, starting from socialization to extinguishing fires that occurred at a number of points.
"Of course we will deploy personnel and water canon cars, to speed up the process of extinguishing forest and land fires so that it does not spread as it is today," he said.
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At the end of the review, the Kapolda also checked the karhutla task force post and provided motivation and assistance in the form of vitamins for the personnel involved.
Because the joint personnel have been struggling for several days in an effort to extinguish forest and land fires that occurred at a number of points in the area.
"With the help of vitamins for the personnel on duty, of course, their health is also well maintained because there is vitamin intake because their job in the field is certainly not easy," concluded the Head of Public Relations of the Central Kalimantan Police.
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