
Lampung Bawaslu reminded the lower election participants before the installed socialization props (APS) campaign period, there should be no element of invitation.

"Moreover, revealing the self-image, identity, special characteristics or characteristics of political parties participating in the election," said Lampung Lampung Bawaslu Member Tamri, in Bandar Lampung, Monday, October 2, confiscated by Antara.

He said that the campaign period according to schedule will start on November 28, 2023 to February 10, 2024. So that as long as it has not entered this stage, all election participants are expected to comply with the applicable laws and regulations related to the installation of APS for legislative candidates.

"So far, we have continued to coordinate with Satpol PP in controlling APS which violates the provisions and does not," he said.

So, he continued, indeed in controlling the APS of election participants, not all of them were brought under control or were removed because some APS were installed in accordance with the provisions.

"This means that not all APS are disciplined, only APS violates the regional regulations are brought under control. Bawaslu supervision focuses on the installed APS location, and the material is contained in the APS," he said.

Ahead of the registration of presidential and vice presidential candidates (candidates), Tamri said, the Lampung Bawaslu observed the APS of political parties participating in the 2024 election being installed.

"We will coordinate with political parties to anticipate not to mushroom. Even if they continue to mushroom, we will reorganize them with Pol PP," he said.

The same thing was conveyed by Bandarlampung City Bawaslu member Muhammad Muhyi. "We have written back to the Sat Pol PP on Friday (September 29) to reschedule the control of APS. We are waiting for an answer from the Head of the City Police Unit," he added.

It is known that the Lampung Bawaslu recorded that 11,136 socialization props (APS) participating in the 2024 General Election violated because they were installed not in accordance with the provisions.

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