
The Money Laundering Crime Task Force (TPPU) is still optimistic that odd transactions related to gold import activities worth Rp. 189 trillion found by the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center can be prosecuted.

The findings are currently being investigated by the Directorate General of Customs and Excise and the Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, but the TPPU Task Force has opened up the possibility that the case can be handled by the Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) of the National Police if later Customs and Excise find no indication of criminal violations in the customs sector until the first week of November 2023.

"This is running time. We (TPPU Task Force, ed) cannot confirm when they (Bea Excise, ed) will end the examination and ensure that this problem can be continued to the legal process. That's why we asked no later than November the first week (the final report of Customs and Excise analysis, ed). We will schedule it later and we will decide after Customs and Excise friends deliver the presentation," said Head of the TPPU Task Force, Sugeng Purnomo, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, September 27.

The TPPU Task Force in its latest meeting at the Kemenkopolhukam Office invited the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police to listen to the data and the results of the temporary analysis held by Customs related to odd transactions worth Rp. 189 trillion.

"It is hoped that later after we have given the deadline, (but) there will be no progress, then we will hand it over to Bareskrim friends. Then Bareskrim friends can get a complete picture of the case," said Sugeng, who is currently Deputy for Law and Human Rights at the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs.

During the meeting, Bareskrim Polri was represented, including the Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Inspector General of Police Asep Edi Suheri.

Sugeng explained that Customs and Excise, which is part of the TPPU Task Force, is still investigating indications of criminal violations in the customs sector which are under his authority. However, in the process, the Directorate General of Taxes also explores the possibility of indications of tax violations related to the case.

If until the first week of November 2023 there are no developments that allow the case to be processed by law from the customs side, the TPPU Task Force opens up the opportunity to be investigated by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police.

"Of course (if handled by Bareskrim), the original crime is different because we suspect that there is a criminal act in the mining sector that is carried out without a permit, of course gold, or maybe if Bareskrim friends later find other criminal acts other than that, yes of course it will be followed up. However, we will see until the first week of November," said Sugeng.

The odd transaction related to gold imports worth Rp. 189 trillion is part of a 300 analysis report letter (LHA) and an examination report (LHP) for the 2009-2023 period issued by the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK), then handed over to relevant agencies at the Ministry of Finance and law enforcement officials.

The total value of suspicious transactions in the 300 LHA and LHP letters reached Rp349 trillion.

The findings of the transaction worth Rp. 189 trillion are currently one of 18 PPATK findings that are the priority work of the TPPU Task Force until the end of 2023.

The Directorate General of Customs and Excise has so far collected information from 36 parties and went directly to four cities to investigate the case.

The Ministry of Finance has also taken legal steps regarding the case in the 2016-2017 period. However, the judge's decision until the reconsideration level in 2019 decided that there was no criminal element in the case.

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