
JAKARTA - Families have an important role to play in being able to suppress online prostitution cases involving minors as victims. Parents should know who and what activities their children are doing.

As is known, the practice of online prostitution with minor victims that had just occurred was revealed by the ranks of the Polda Metro Jaya. Through his cyber patrol, the police arrested a pimp with the initials FEA who was secured in the Johar Baru area, Central Jakarta.

The mode used by FEA is to peddle underage women using social media. These children who are made victims are given a rate of around Rp. 1.5 million to Rp. 8 million for one date. From this result, the perpetrators get a profit of around Rp. 2 million to Rp. 4 million.

Puan said that strengthening the role of families in protecting their children is also the responsibility of the Government. Starting from education, socialization, to regulations, especially related to the use of social media.

"How the Government contributes to providing good literacy for parents in the midst of this technological advancement era. Because the state has a responsibility for the nation's young generation, which cannot be separated from the role of the family and the surrounding environment," said DPR Speaker Puan Maharani, Monday, September 25.

Puan emphasized that the Government needs to deepen programs related to family resilience. Puan assessed that there needs to be a family counseling program for families in need.

Parents have to listen to their children's feelings and concerns without judging. But sometimes, parents often have difficulty communicating with their children for several reasons. The government can facilitate with family counseling programs," he said.

Puan said that open communication can make it easier for children to share the things they experience. This can also give children the confidence to talk about the experiences or pressures they feel.

"Support from the educational environment is also needed. Both conventional education such as in schools, or religious education environments and other support systems," said Puan.

Not only that, sexual education from family and the closest environment is also seen as important for children to have. By having appropriate and healthy information about sexual education, according to Puan, this can prevent disgraceful acts that can damage the future of children in any form.

"Parents must provide accurate information and support discussions about sexuality with an approach that is appropriate for the age of children. So that children will feel more insight in sexual matters so that they are not easily provoked into the circle of prostitution," said Bung Karno's grandson.

In terms of sexual education, Puan assessed that the Government also needs to hold educational programs for children. The facilities used can be in various forms, according to the required criteria.

"Sexual education that is in accordance with the category of children can be capital so that they understand the necessary limits and so that children can protect themselves from potential sexual hazards," said Puan.

"Of course, the role of the Government is also needed with various educational programs in education, health services, moral and religious education, and others," he continued.

To anticipate child online prostitution, the DPR also supports the intensification of cyber patrols to investigate online prostitution networks involving minors. Puan emphasized that the police must be able to thoroughly investigate online prostitution cases so that they can save children who are victims of trade.

"This cyber patrol must be improved, it must be strengthened in a social media era like this. So the police are not only waiting for incoming reports, but starting initiatives with routine patrols and synergizing," he said.

"By strengthening cyber patrols, I hope that online prostitution networks with children who are victims can be eradicated immediately. We are both protecting the nation's future, by saving children from prostitution," added Puan.

On the other hand, Puan encourages the Government to intensify supervision and tighten regulations in cyber media.

"Like adult content, prostitution activities on social media must also be monitored. The government through the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in collaboration with law enforcers and other authorities must be on standby to monitor forms of violations, such as in terms of this online prostitution practice," he explained.

"And take various preventive actions in addition to law enforcement which must also be straightforward to the roots," added Puan.

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