
The pair for Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates Anies Rasyid Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar is scheduled to attend a series of political safari agendas in two regions, namely Palopo City and Makassar City, South Sulawesi 23-24 September.

"Yes, that's right, his plan (Anies) was to go to Palopo and first came to Tana Luwu to take part in the traditional ritual of Mappesabbi Ale," said South Sulawesi ABW Coordinator Asri Tadda, quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 22.

Mappeabbi Ale is a traditional ceremony at the Luwu land, where someone who comes pays tribute to the host, in this case Kedatuan Luwu to ask for his blessing to hold a certain celebration. Anies' arrival was a matter of pride for local residents.

"This is certainly an honor in itself, because Pak Anies can come directly to Luwu Raya and participate in carrying out a sacred traditional process in Kedatuan," he added.

From the agenda for the visit, Anies used a private jet arriving at Bua Airport in Palopo on Saturday (23/9) morning, followed by a pilgrimage at the Tomb of the Luwu Kings, LokkoE. Next, he attended the Mappeabbi Ale ceremony at the Luwu Kedatuan Palace.

Before leaving Luwu's land, Anies will perform a d Wayur prayer at the Jami Old Mosque, Palopo at the same time giving a cult to the congregation, then heading to Bua Palopo Airport and then flying to Makassar City.

On the same day, when he arrived in Makassar, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta was scheduled to attend the South Sulawesi PKS BCAD briefing at the Dalton Hotel, then shifted to attend the South Sulawesi PKB event.

Agenda lanjutan menghadiri Apple Siaga dan Pelantikan DPRa se-Sulsel di Lapangan Emmy Saelan Makassar.

Furthermore, the inauguration of the South Sulawesi (Forkom) volunteer post. Anies is scheduled to talk with journalists and millennial representatives at the Sarabba culinary location on the Cerekang River, Makassar.

The peak agenda on Sunday (24/9), Anies and Muhaimin will follow a healthy happy path with volunteers and the community during a vehicle-free day along Jalan Jenderal Sudirman.

"For the number of participant coupons, the committee has printed and distributed 800,000 coupons. We make sure that the happy healthy road coupons are really distributed and used by the public to register," said Spokesperson for the Good Road Committee, Asrullah Syaruddin, Friday.

After following the happy path, the Amin pair is scheduled to inaugurate the Anies-Muhaimin (Amin) winning main post. Continued internal meetings with the supporting parties and supporters who are members of the coalition of change.

Before leaving Makassar City, the pair of candidates for president and vice presidential candidates will take the time to make a pilgrimage at the Prince's national hero's grave in Ponegoro, in Makassar and then go to Jakarta.

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