
JAKARTA - Kris Dayanti (KD) is concerned about the alleged sexual harassment by the Southeast Maluku Regent to his cafe employee with the initials TSA (21). This member of Commission IX of the DPR highlighted how the culture of power relations from leadership to employees must be cut off.

"This incident is really sad because it was carried out by the regional head who should protect his citizens. Moreover, this is related to the relationship between the boss and his employees," said Kris Dayanti, Thursday, September 21.

Allegations of sexual violence by the Regent of Southeast Maluku were carried out several times to victims who worked in cafes belonging to the perpetrators. Even TSA was also raped by the Regent of Southeast Maluku until finally the victim reported to the police.

Kris Dayanti as a member of the Commission in the House of Representatives in charge of employment and health affairs highlighted the culture of relating superior power to subordinates in the work environment. According to him, a lot of sexual violence occurs because of the culture of the power relationship.

Sexual harassment was carried out because the boss felt in power over his employees. There are often employees who are afraid to report sexual violence by their superiors because they are worried that their work will be threatened," he said.

KD also said that the culture of power relations in the work environment could be cut off through the firmness of the application of Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning TPKS (Sexual Violence Crimes). He reminded that anyone who commits sexual violence in the work environment can be criminally charged with the presence of legal products of the TPKS Law.

"What happened in this case is a form of sexual exploitation that can be processed by law according to the TPKS Law. This act is also contrary to the Employment Law where the employer must guarantee workers to be free from sexual violence," explained KD.

"Because sexual violence is a treatment that is contrary to human dignity, and violates moral and moral norms," he added.

Based on Article 12 of the TPKS Law, perpetrators of sexual exploitation can be sentenced to a maximum imprisonment of 15 (fifteen) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp. 1,000,000,000 (one billion rupiah). Individual perpetrators in superior positions can also be given an additional 1/3 of the crime.

Meanwhile, Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower regulates that every worker/laborer has the right to obtain protection for the safety and health of work, morals and decency and treatment in accordance with human dignity and religious values. These rights must be fulfilled by employers.

Moreover, in line with the TPKS Law, the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker) has issued the Ministerial Decree No. 88 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence in the Workplace.

"So the culture of the relationship of leadership power to employees can and must be decided because we have many regulations governing the existence in the workplace, including the protection of female workers from sexual harassment or violence," said KD.

The legislator from the East Java V electoral district also encouraged the Government to conduct more massive socialization and education regarding legal products and regulations in efforts to prevent sexual violence. In particular, according to KD, prevention of sexual violence against women.

KD also highlighted TSA's physical and mental health problems which were victims of sexual harassment by the Southeast Maluku Regent. Because acts of sexual violence must leave deep trauma scars.

Mental health problems for victims of sexual violence should not go unnoticed. Because psychological injuries or trauma must be prolonged and will affect the health of the victim's soul. Of course this will have an impact on the quality of life of the victim in the future," explained KD.

"So protection for victims by providing psychological assistance from relevant stakeholders according to the mandate of the TPKS Law must also be carried out carefully," he continued. KD regrets the actions of the perpetrators. Because as regional heads, the perpetrators should protect their own citizens because they have the task of carrying out the mandate to prosper the people in their area.

"This is really ironic. A leader should provide protection for his people, not actually detrimental as in this case," concluded KD.

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