
JAKARTA - Director of Pharmacy Management and Services, Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih emphasized that pharmaceutical practices must be carried out by pharmaceutical staff in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. "In carrying out pharmaceutical practices, pharmacists and/or specialist pharmacists can be assisted by pharmaceutical vocational staff," Agusdini said in a written statement in Jakarta, Antara, Wednesday, September 20. Agusdini said that the pharmaceutical practices that must be carried out by pharmaceutical personnel include production control, including quality control, procurement, storage, distribution, research, development of pharmaceutical stocks, as well as management and pharmaceutical services. The pharmaceutical facilities consist of production, distribution, pharmaceutical management, pharmaceutical services, and supporting health services. "In the production facilities in the form of the pharmaceutical industry and the drug material industry, there must be at least three pharmacists and/or specialist pharmacists in charge of each in the field of quality assurance, production, and quality supervision," he said. Meanwhile, the natural material medicine industry, the natural ingredients extract industry, and the cosmetics industry, said Agusdini, must have at least one pharmacist and/or specialist pharmacist in charge. In addition, he continued, the Domestic Health and Supplies (PKRT) industry must have technical person in charge in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Meanwhile, certain production facilities, he explained, such as small businesses, micro-drug businesses for natural materials, as well as class B cosmetic industries, can be carried out by pharmaceutical vocational workers. "This RPP (Creation of Legislation) will regulate its derivatives at the Permenkes (Minister of Health Regulation), at least having one pharmaceutical vocational staff, but still being supervised by pharmacists," he explained. Under certain conditions, Agusdini explained that limited pharmaceutical practices in pharmaceutical service facilities can be carried out by medical personnel and health workers. These conditions include the absence of pharmaceutical personnel in an area, the need for government programs, handling medical emergencies and/or extraordinary events (KLB), outbreaks, and other disaster emergencys. To ensure this, he said, the Central and Regional Governments according to their authority can provide guidance and supervision of the implementation of pharmaceutical practices, and can include professional organizations.
This statement was conveyed by Agusdini Banun Saptaningsih in the Public Test of the Derivative Regulation of the Health Law which was implemented from Monday (18/9) to the next week. This activity can be followed by the general public through the Ministry of Health's YouTube channel. In addition, public participation in providing suggestions can also be carried out through the website https://participationsehat.kemkes.go.id/ during the preparation process.

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