A Gang That Often Claims To Be Debt Collectors Around Soetta Airport, Arrested By Police
Suspects of motorcycle robbery in debt collector mode/ Photo: IST


TANGERANG - Police arrested 10 perpetrators suspected of being specialists in theft in the Soekarno Hatta Airport area, Tangerang City. They acted with various modes, one of which became a fake debt collector. Soekarno-Hatta Airport Deputy Chief of Police, AKBP Jauhari said there were 9 motorbikes that were secured from the 10 perpetrators. The mode of pretending to be a motor vehicle leasing officer. The second directly picked up the vehicle parked at Soekarno-Hatta Airport," Jauhari told reporters at the Soetta Airport Police, Tangerang City, Monday, September 18. Farari said that 5 of the 10 perpetrators carried out their actions claiming to be leasing officers or debt collectors. They forcibly seized the motorbikes of the victims. It was done by forcibly taking the vehicle owner's vehicle by giving a fictitious letter to the company. Then the victim was fooled by being told to call the office, in a state of absence the parked vehicle, he immediately took away," he said.

Meanwhile, the rest are specialists in motorcycle theft in the Soetta Airport area, one of which is in the motorcycle parking lot. The location that was targeted by the perpetrators of the Airport Post, the Indomaret Airport's loading dock area and the Pertamina and Shell gas stations area. The mode is that these 5 suspects stalk parked vehicles and immediately pick up, take and take away the motorbike, "explained Jauhari. The 10 perpetrators have been named as suspects. They were charged under Article 363 of the Criminal Code for theft with a threat of 5 years in prison.

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