
NTT - BMKG issued an early warning of the potential for strong winds to hit three islands in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province.

The three islands in question are Timor Island, Sabu Island, and Rote Island. The potential for cuca will take effect from September 18-20, 2023.

"Be aware of the potential for strong winds that are dry in this dry season," said Head of the El Tari Kupang Meteorological Station Agung Sudiono Abadi in Kupang, NTT, Monday, September 18, which was confiscated by Antara.

Agung said that the current wind speed ranges from 15 to 35 knots. In addition, the potential for strong winds that are dry in the dry season can also cause forest and land fires in the NTT region. Dry land will become flammable due to strong winds that can expand the burned area.

For this early warning, Agung appealed to the public to be careful in carrying out activities related to fire, such as burning garbage or clearing new agricultural land by burning.

He asked the public not to throw cigarette butts carelessly. When he started the fire, he advised that there be supervision until the fire was completely extinguished.

"Please be aware of fires because of these strong winds," he said.

Head of BPBD Sabu Raijua Javid Ndu Ufi from Sabu Raijua said there was an appeal letter to anticipate forest and land fires that had been issued by the local government.

The Regent of Sabu Raijua Karya Rihi Heke issued an appeal letter asking the public to avoid clearing land by burning land.

The public is also asked to pay attention to all activities that use fire such as cooking, smoking, and burning garbage.

Furthermore, the public is asked to pay attention to the appeal of the NTT Police Chief and the sanctions that will be given to perpetrators of forest fires, namely the threat of imprisonment for a maximum of 15 years and a maximum fine of IDR 5 billion.

"The public must be aware of fires because there is strong winds, the fire spreads quickly," he said.

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