
BEKASI Regency - Head of the Bekasi Regency Fisheries Service, West Java, Iman Santoso explained that the need for fish for consumption increases every year, directly proportional to the increase in population so that production is also increased in order to meet the food and nutrition needs of the community.

For this reason, the Bekasi Regency Government will increase the production of cultivation and catch fish by 7,500 tons per year or the equivalent of five percent of this year's target of 150,000 tons through a number of efforts.

"We have mobilized all the potential for additional fish cultivation by new breeders and fisheries cooperatives. I am sure this year we will be able to achieve production of 157,500 tons or even more," he said in Cikarang, Saturday.

He said that in addition to increasing the quantity of fish cultivators, innovation utilizes effective, efficient, and competitive technology, which is considered capable of increasing the number of fish production this year.

His party invites all entrepreneurs and fish cultivators to continue to innovate while making fish cultivation sustainable as a must.

"To support this, we invite all fisheries people to optimize unproductive land while still paying attention to the carrying capacity of the environment," he said.

Head of the Aquaculture Fisheries Division at the Bekasi District Fisheries Service, Toni Dartoni, said that one of the efforts to increase fish production was carried out through aquaculture activity with the aim of communicating with each other in order to achieve optimal production results.

"We facilitated Sarasehan activities for the past two days. Alhamdulillah, 70 sarasehan participants from fishery business actors were very enthusiastic about participating in this activity," he said.

Toni hopes that all sarasehan participants will be able to absorb the knowledge that has been conveyed so that it can then be implemented in the fish cultivation business so that their production continues to increase.

"The Bekasi District Fisheries Service in a sustainable manner also continues to support and facilitate fishermen to be able to get maximum catch results. We also distributed aid for subsidies yesterday, we also provided assistance for capture equipment and other supporting facilities," he concluded, as reported by ANTARA, Saturday, September 16.

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