
Bogor Resort Police has scheduled an examination of the Director of Sentosa Hospital (RS), Kemang, Bogor Regency, West Java, regarding the reports of Siti Mauliah and Dian Prihatini whose babies were swapped one year ago during childbirth.

"Now 12 people have been (examined), eight people from the hospital, both legal parts related to all permits, then we will summon the director," said Bogor Police Chief AKBP Rio Wahyu Anggoro as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, September 15.

According to him, the police must have two pieces of evidence to raise the case from investigation to investigation.

"I have to be able to find two pieces of evidence. So that whether or not the fingerprints go up, depending on the two pieces of evidence, God willing, I will announce it as soon as possible," he said.

Rio admitted to being careful in investigating the case, especially when making sure the two babies were really swapped through DNA tests.

The Bogor Resort Police even involved the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA), the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK), and the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) in handling cases of infants being exchanged.

Siti Mauliah and Dian Prihatini reported the management of Sentosa Hospital to the Bogor Police on Friday, September 1, 2023.

Siti's attorney, Rusdy Ridho, when reporting at the Bogor Police Headquarters, said that there was no common ground in the mediation between S and D and the management of the hospital. So, both of them chose to take legal action.

"We reported them with the Consumer Protection Law Article 62 because what we will target in this report is that the business actors are not individuals from the nurses," said Rusdy.

He included evidence in the form of DNA test results from Puslabfor which confirmed that two baby boys from S and D were swapped after the delivery process.

Offers from Sentosa Hospital during mediation were in the form of medical assistance and scholarships for children to high school. However, S and D agreed to reject the offer.

"Which has all been covered by the state. Every citizen is required by BPJS, then from elementary to high school it's free, right? It's the country," said Rusdy.

Meanwhile, Dian's attorney, Binsar Aritonang, said that his client and S were both victims of the negligence of Sentosa Hospital.

"So I think we should reject the offer. We will carry out criminal and civil charges," said Binsar.

Bogor Police on Friday (25/8) night announced the results of a DNA test stating that two babies and their parents were swapped after one year ago giving birth in the same place, Sentosa Hospital, Kemang District, Bogor.

The series of cases were revealed to the public when the parents of Ciseeng, Bogor Regency, West Java, Siti Mauliah (37) and Muhamad Tabrani (52) reported to the Bogor Police Women and Children Service Unit (PPA) on August 10, 2023.

Siti Mauliah reported that her baby was allegedly swapped after undergoing caesarean surgery at Sentosa Hospital, Kemang District, Bogor Regency on July 18, 2022.

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