Total Subdistricts In Bandar Lampung 20, 13 Of Them Are Droughts Imbas El Nino
Bandar Lampung City BPBD officers are distributing clean water to people affected by drought. (ANTARA/HO-BPBD Bandarlampung)


BANDAR LAMPUNG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) said a number of points in 13 sub-districts in Bandar Lampung City were affected by drought due to the El Nino phenomenon.

"Of the 20 sub-districts, there are 13 sub-districts that have experienced drought in this area," said Head of Emergency and Logistics Division of Bandar Lampung City BPBD Gustriansyah, in Bandar Lampung, Thursday, September 14, which was confiscated by Antara.

He mentioned that there were 13 sub-districts with drought points, namely Sukabumi, Sukarame, Kemiling, Peace, Bumi Waras, Tanjung Senang, Telukbetung Timur, Telukbetung Barat, Telukbetung Utara, Enggal, Way Halim, Tanjungkarang Barat, and Langkapura.

"Of the 13 sub-districts, the Way Laga area in Sukabumi District is the most often distributed by clean water assistance, because there are highlands so that when it is dry water is difficult to obtain," he said again.

He said, August-September 2023, the clean water that had been distributed by the Bandarlampung City Government through BPBD to people affected by drought was 600,078 liters.

"Yes, we will distribute all city people who need clean water. For the time being, the points are in the 13 sub-districts," he said.

Regarding the residents who had to buy clean water elsewhere, Gustriansyah said it could have happened because at that time they needed clean water a lot.

"Maybe at that time the resident concerned was in need of water for many of his family, nor could we confirm it," he said.

However, he emphasized that anyone who asks BPBD for clean water will definitely be distributed to the requested location, but still have to queue.

"So our clean water request system, the first to ask for it, is distributed first, so the system queues can't be done at once, if there are areas asking for it in the morning, we send it there first, it can't be at the same time together because there are fleet limitations," he said.

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