
Bogor Regent Iwan Setiawan asked his citizens not to panic in the face of drought due to the climate phenomenon of El Nino. He ensured that the Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) was ready to provide assistance in the form of clean water.

"The local government is ready to meet the need for clean water for community washing and washing activities (MCK), I ask the public not to panic, we will quickly distribute water supply," said Iwan when attending the Bogor Keliling (Boling) activity in Parung Panjang District, Bogor Regency, Wednesday, September 13, confiscated by Antara.

He said first aid for the provision of clean water for people affected by drought was routinely carried out through collaboration between BPBD, Disdamkar, PMI, Perumda Tirta Kahuripan and private companies.

The distribution of clean water is carried out based on the public's request through the emergency response call center for drought, which is centered in the Bogor Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD).

"This is our commitment to optimize the handling of drought in Bogor Regency. Water discharge in the Cisadane River is also still good to meet the needs of clean water for the community," he said.

In addition to carrying out short-term handling, the Bogor Regency Government also plans to create water torens in several drought-prone areas as an effort to handle the long term.

Then, the Bogor Regency Government scheduled the construction of 17 bore wells in several sub-districts in the near future.

The drilling well manufacturing program sourced from the 2023 APBD of Bogor Regency will be implemented at 13 points, while there are still four other points sourced from special allocation funds (DAK).

Meanwhile, the Bogor Regency Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) noted that more than 200 thousand people in its area were affected by drought from May 2 - September 13, 2023.

Secretary of the Bogor Regency BPBD Asep Sulaeman explained that the people affected by the drought were spread over 30 sub-districts.

The Bogor Regency BPBD has handled it by distributing clean water of more than 2 million liters.

This clean water assistance was sent by officers using tank cars belonging to the Bogor Regency BPBD and the Regional Public Company (Perumda) of Drinking Water Tirta Kahuripan.

"This clean water assistance is for people who have difficulty meeting the needs of clean water due to drought," he said.

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