Eradicating Circulation In Prisons, 69 Drug Dealers In South Sumatra Moved To Nusa Kambangan
Illustration of prisons or prisons. (Unsplash-Hedi Benyounes)


SOUTH SULAWESI - The Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) transferred 69 drug dealer inmates from a number of prisons in South Sumatra (Sumsel) to the Nusa Kambangan Prison, Cilacap.

"From 2022 to September 2023, we have transferred 69 inmates or inmates from a number of prisons in South Sumatra with the category of high-risk security (hight risk security) to the Cilacap Mining Nusa Prison," said Head of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office Ilham Djaya in Palembang, Wednesday, September 13, quoted by Antara.

He explained that the transfer of prisoners or correctional inmates (WBP) in drug dealers cases was his party's commitment to prevent and eradicate illicit drug trafficking in prisons and South Sumatra in general.

"The transfer of prisoners is our commitment to eradicate illicit drug trafficking in prisons, further coaching efforts, anticipating security disturbances, and order in prisons," he said.

In addition to Nusa Kambangan, his party also transferred several prisons inside and outside South Sumatra.

This year, the transfer of prisoners between prisons within the South Sumatra region has been carried out to 2,921 people.

"Meanwhile, there are 45 people relocations in prisons outside South Sumatra apart from going to the Nusa Kambangan Prison," said Ilham.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Correctional Division of the South Sumatra Ministry of Law and Human Rights Regional Office, Bambang Haryanto, explained that his party continues to seek solutions to prevent drug trafficking and overcome the problem of the number of prison and detention center residents who exceed the ideal capacity.

In addition to seeking to transfer prisoners, the construction of new prisons, his party is also trying to carry out assimilation programs and granting integration rights.

"The right of integration in the form of parole (PB), conditional leave (CB), and leave before release (CMB)," said Bambang.

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