
Bogor Mayor Bima Arya emphasized that he would issue a Mayor Regulation (Perwali) to further ensure that the School Committee does not do things that cause problems, because the affected are students and parents who are underprivileged.

"I support the Bogor City Education Office's steps to eliminate class coordinators who according to him are one of the sources of the problem. In addition, I also study the conception of the School Committee which basically has a very good purpose in facilitating various kinds of needs and bridging students with schools, but is very vulnerable to manipulation and violations," said Bima Arya Monday, September 11.

In the coaching clinic, Bima Arya together with the Head of the Bogor City Education Office (Disdik) witnessed the signing of an integrity pact which was carried out symbolically 13 Elementary Schools (SD) and 20 State Junior High Schools in Bogor City.

The signed integrity pact, promises made and made, was asked by Bima Arya not only to be read and signed, but also to be interpreted as an effort to become a meaningful human being, not to pursue the world, material or position, pursue change and sacrifice irreversibility.

"Humans often make mistakes, but the meaning of all of this we remind each other. I remind and motivate, not only to ladies and gentlemen but also to myself so that we all unite words and actions. Hopefully proactive for eradicating corruption, always honest and objective, never including personal interests in carrying out our duties," he said.

Regarding extortion (illegal levies) that occurred in one of the elementary schools, on that occasion Bima Arya emphasized that he would continue to follow up on extortion reports according to the mayor's authority and not stop at one school, but would continue to follow up on reports at other schools in Bogor City.

The integrity pact, according to the Head of the Bogor City Education Office, Sujatmiko Baliarto, is a form of follow-up to the direction of the Mayor of Bogor to encourage the commitment of the Bogor City Education Office in education units not to commit corruption, collusion and Nepotism (KKN), especially in the Bogor City Education Office.

The coaching clinic activity of BOSP Semester 2 of 2023 which was held for 6 days 11-18 September was attended by 208 heads of public elementary schools, 53 heads of private elementary schools and 20 heads of state junior high schools divided by sub-districts by presenting sources from the Bogor City inspectorate, intended to increase accountability in the implementation of BOS funds in education units.

In his report, the Head of Education and Culture explained the allocation of Regular BOS funds in 2023, which amounted to approximately Rp 97 billion.

Its use includes for library development, implementation of learning activities, implementation of assessment and learning evaluation activities, implementation of school activity administration, development of teaching and education staff professions, financing the use of subscriptions and services, maintaining school facilities and infrastructure.

In addition, the provision of multimedia and learning tools, the implementation of activities to improve competence, implementation of activities in supporting the absorption of graduates and payment of honorariums.

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