
JAKARTA - Commission III of the DPR RI highlighted the style of hedon, the wife of a police officer in Probolinggo with the rank of Bripka. The action of the woman who works as a Tiktok celebrity is quite disturbing and seems arrogant, especially since she uses state facilities to support her hedon style.

"The integrity and properness of the police is the main foundation of a strong and trustworthy law enforcement system. However, the issue of abuse of state facilities and authority by police officers and family members is increasingly troubling and concerning," said member of Commission III DPR RI Gilang Dhielafararez, Friday 8 September.

Recently, it was crowded on social media, the action of a wife of a police officer who used the Police's Patwal escort for her hedon activities. The video of the woman named Luluk Sofiatul Jannah was widely discussed because she invited her friends to show off their luxury lives by driving an Alphard car escorted by 2 police patrol cars.

Luluk's disgraceful activities became known after his actions of bullying a student's internship went viral on social media. In the video circulating, Luluk appears to shout and scold an intern at a shopping center for being dissatisfied with the student's services.

Apparently Luluk's arrogance was recorded by her own husband, Bripka Muhammad Nuril, who previously served as the Head of Binmas at the Tiris Police, Probolinggo Police. Gilang also considered this a form of ethical error from a member of the police, who could not provide understanding to his family members.

"In fact, he even facilitated and supported his wife's actions. Either while bullying a student, or when using state facilities. Very, very disgraceful," he said.

Luluk's action, which was supported by her husband, caused Bripka Nuril to be removed from his position. Even Bripka Nuril and his wife will undergo a police ethics trial following Luluk's scolding an intern at a viral supermarket.

"Actually, it is very unfortunate, years of starting a career in the police force but must be removed from the impact of his wife's actions. But indeed this is important because members of the police have a moral responsibility to the public," explained Gilang.

"The strict sanction given is correct because members of the Police and a Mrs. Bhayangkari should not have done this. Of course this is also a warning for other members of the police," continued the Deputy Chairperson of the DPR's Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP).

Gilang said that members of the National Police have a very important role in maintaining public security and order. He also reminded that the state facilities and authorities given to police officers should be used wisely in accordance with the duties of the Police.

"That is what every member of the National Police needs to instill in all members of his family," said Gilang.

The legislator from the Central Java II electoral district also said that the luxury lifestyle flexing case of unscrupulous officials' families was not the first time this had happened. According to Gilang, there are many other than the case of Bripka Nuril's wife.

"But for the police, it is clear that there is a ban issued through rigid rules so that police officers and their families do not show a luxurious lifestyle. We in the DPR encourage the Police to further promote socialization of this rule," he said.

The rules in question are the Secret Telegram Letter (TR) Number ST/30/XI/HUM 3.4/2019/DIVPROPAM dated November 15, 2019 issued by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo when he served as Head of the Propam Police Division. The rules in the telegram contain a prohibition on showing off luxury for members of the National Police, including not uploading photos or videos on social media that show a hedonist lifestyle.

Berdasarkan aturan itu, istri Bripka Nuril telah melanggari ketentuan. Mulai dari menunjukkan, pakai, menunjukkan barang-barang mewah, hingga mengunggah foto atau video pada medsos yang menunjukkan gaya hidup yang hedonis seperti yang viral belalu ini.

"This rule has not been implemented and has not been implemented properly by all members of the National Police, even though it is the National Police Chief's commitment to restoring public trust in the police. But this has actually been tarnished by his subordinates, so firm action is needed," said Gilang.

In addition, the National Police is also encouraged to create an ethical training program for all members of the police and their families. Gilang said this would raise awareness about the integrity and responsibility of the Police as protectors of the community so as not to take arrogant actions.

"Police are institutions that must be role models in complying with laws and regulations, and abuse of authority and state facilities will only damage the image of the Police," he said.

Gilang also asked the police to be firm on the disgraceful behavior of its members, even though it was not known to the public. Commission III of the DPR RI, which is a partner of the National Police, is said to continue to supervise.

"So take action against the arrogance of Polri members and their families, don't wait for it to go viral and then take action. There must be anticipatory steps, because there are regulations," explained Gilang.

"Give affirmation that members of the National Police and their families must not be arrogant and show a luxurious lifestyle because it will cause social jealousy which will ultimately have a negative impact on the Polri institution itself," he concluded.

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