JAKARTA - The Panel of Judges at the South Jakarta District Court (PN Jaksel) sentenced the defendant Shane Lukas to 5 years in prison. He was found to be involved in a series of cases of severe abuse by David Ozora.
"Therefore, the defendant was sentenced to 5 years in prison," said Chief Judge during a trial at the South Jakarta District Court, Alimin Ribut Sujono, Thursday, September 7.
In his decision, one of the considerations for the panel of judges for Shane Lukas was that his actions caused the damage to David Ozora's future.
"The defendant's participation has damaged the future of the victim's child," said the judge.
Then, the panel of judges also ordered Shane Lukas to remain in detention for a reduced sentence while in prison.
For information, Shane Lukas was also sentenced to 5 years in prison by the public prosecutor (JPU). Then, he was also charged with paying a restitution of Rp120 billion.
If they are unable to pay restitution, the prosecutor demands Shane's prison term to be increased by 6 months.
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