
Pangdam XVII/Cenderawasih Major General Izak Pangemanan regretted the shooting that killed Michele Kurisi Doga, a humanitarian activist who was shot by the KKB.

"It is very unfortunate that the shooting case that killed Michele Kurisi Doga, because the deceased was a humanitarian activist," said TNI Major General Izak Pangemanan to Antara in Jayapura, Sunday.

It said that before the shooting incident against Michele, there had been reports of victims' activities meeting refugees from Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains.

"Indeed, before the shooting incident occurred," said Major General Izak, monitored by the victim while collecting data on Nduga refugees.

It is not yet known who the victim works with, but what is very regrettable is the killing of activists who care about humanity, especially refugees.

From the reports received by the refugees, many wanted to return to their hometowns, but often received threats from the KKB so they were afraid.

"With the absence of the return of residents to their hometowns, the KKB and its group are used as propaganda material and state that the special autonomy failed," explained Cenderawasih Military Commander Major General Izak Pangemanan.

Humanitarian activist Michele Kurisi Doga was killed Monday (28/8) and his body was found in Koloyak village, Kolowa District, Lanny Jaya Regency, Papua Mountains, Thursday (31/1).

Michele Kurisi Doga's body was buried Saturday (2/9) in Jayapura. The late Michelle Kurisi is the grandson of the head of the Silo Tribe in Jayawijaya Regency, Papua Mountains.

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