
Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo said Nana Sudjana who was appointed as the acting Governor of Central Java by President Joko Widodo is a person who understands integrity very well. Since friends (ASN Jateng) are used to maintaining integrity, then later I will entrust Pak Nana to please maintain integrity both from within and from outside. He has been an APH now so that the inspectorate is very understanding," he said in Semarang, Saturday, September 2.Ganjar admitted that he had communicated with Nana Sudjana and was sure that Central Java could maintain what had been achieved in the last ten years. We will share the experience. PR-PR what must be done and God willing, friends from Central Java ASN are ready to help. He already has a lot of experience so it is enough to stay shrink in the sense that the issue is narrower at the level of Central Java. Later I will convey some important points to get a completion immediately," he said. Related to this, he asked state civil servants within the Central Java Provincial Government to maintain integrity and provide the best service to the community. The integrity of Central Java Provincial Government ASN is a matter of pride for me during the ten years leading Central Java, he said. In addition to maintaining integrity, Ganjar also asked ASN not to be tempted in things that could injure honesty. He said that the first temptation arose was a fading integrity, causing ASN to be tempted by gratification, sogokan, and even the intention arose to carry out various corrupt criminal practices.

“Maka saya titip kepada kawan-kawan, untuk berani membentengi diri dan bersikap dan mereka sudah praktik selama sepuluh tahun,” ujarnya.Tidak kalah penting, Ganjar meminta agar ASN Jateng terus memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi masyarakat dengan tetap berpegang teguh pada empat pilar kebangsaan yakni Pancasila, NKRI, UUD 1945 dan Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.Masa jabatan Gubernur Jateng Ganjar Pranowo berakhir pada 5 September 2023 dan akan digantikan Penjabat (Pj) Gubernur Jateng yang telah ditunjuk yakni Nana Sudjana. Serah terima dan pelantikan Pj Gubernur Jateng akan dilakukan pada 5 September 2023 di Jakarta.

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