
Political observer Rocky Gerung joked that President Jokowi should take advantage of Yusril Ihza Mahendra's sincerity as a legal shield when he no longer serves as the number one person in Indonesia. This method is considered effective in overcoming the political phenomenon of political revenge after his tenure.

"It's better to invite Yusril. Only the judiciary can make a save," said Rocky, when speaking at a public discussion entitled Harkat, Martabat and Keselamatan Seorang Mantan Presiden, di Bakoel Koffie, Cikini, Jakarta, Jumat, 1 September.

According to him, politically anthropologically in Indonesia is based on revenge. It started when Ken Arok became King, to phenomena between Presidents in Indonesia

In fact, it was exemplified by the appointment of President Gus Dur to the inharmony of Megawati's political relations with Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY).

This could also happen when Jokowi no longer serves as President of the Republic of Indonesia. Attacks can come from the elected president.

"What's the shield? There is a legal shield, until culture is available. But the most formidable shield is the president's own mind," he said.

Therefore, according to Rocky, the figure who can be Jokowi's legal shield is Yusril. Where, his abilities can be utilized.

Pak Jokowi should have invited Prof Yusril to become a presidential or vice presidential candidate, because Prof. Yusril could save Pak Jokowi. Because no one else knows, Prof. Yusril can only be President Jokowi's shield and who understands the intricacies of rescue, "said Rocky.

Meanwhile, constitutional law expert Fahri Bachmid proposed the importance of forming a regulation in the form of the Presidential Power Transitional Law. Its contents regulate power to maintain the dignity of the former President and Vice President. For him, it is a positive thing to maintain national stability.

"Don't be a legal tool. We have to stop this tradition," he said. In detail, bad experience happened to Soekarno after taking office, including Suharto, to Gus Dur.

The hope is that in the future there will be good arrangements in positive law so that this is done in a civilized manner.

"Transition can provide certainty and continuity. Don't be a place of revenge," said Fahri.

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