
BENGKULU - The Health Office (Dinkes) has alerted all puskesmas to anticipate an increase in cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Mukomuko, Bengkulu.

"Puskesmas must be on standby, if someone has a fever, immediately use a 'rapid test' to detect dengue disease early," said Mukomuko District Health Office's DHF Program Manager Ruli Herlindo in Mukomuko, Friday, September 1, as reported by Antara.

The Mukomuko Health Office has alerted all puskesmas after there were cases of death due to dengue fever in the Lubuk Sanai Village area, XIV Koto District.

Then, from the case of death due to dengue fever in the region followed by an increase in dengue cases during August 2023, it reached 28 cases, and the most cases of dengue fever in the Lubuk Sanai Village area.

He said his agency provided rapid test kits in all Puskesmas with a total of 10 boxes of rapid tests, and the most in the Lubuk Sanai Village Health Center as many as 20 boxes.

This rapid DHF test kit, he said, is not only available in 17 Puskesmas and village midwives spread across 15 sub-districts in this area.

He stated, then the agency will continue to monitor the health conditions of residents in the regions through health centers and village midwives in the area.

"To the village head, we have socialized if there are residents who have fever to be examined at the nearest village health center and midwives," he said.

He said his agency had completed a rapid DHF test at the location where cases of residents who were infected with the disease were found due to the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

In addition, a mass fever survey has also been completed for local residents to detect early people with Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in this area.

Meanwhile, there were 40 cases of dengue fever in Mukomuko Regency from January to August 2023, of which 28 cases of dengue fever occurred during August 2023.

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