JAKARTA - Secretary General of the Democratic Party, Teuku Riefky Harsya, admitted that he received information from members of Team 8 of the Sudirman Said Amendment Coalition, representing the presidential candidate Anies Baswedan that Anies had approved the political cooperation between the Nasdem Party and PKB.
He has also confirmed directly and received an answer that this cooperation is true. According to him, this agreement was carried out unilaterally.
"Today we confirmed the news to Anies Baswedan. He
"Confirming that the news is true. Democrats are 'forced' to accept the decision," said Riefky Harsya in an electronic message received in Jakarta, Thursday, August 31.
The Coalition for Change was filled by three political parties, namely Democrats, NasDem and PKS. Riefky then mentioned the beginning of the formation of the Change Coalition to agree on several points by looking at the political dynamics that occurred so that the presidential and vice presidential pairs could be declared immediately.
At the meeting of Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan with Team 8 with SBY, Anies said that the declaration would be made in early September 2023. Anies has even determined the vice presidential candidate.
The decision, continued Riefky, was written hand in hand and signed by Anies himself.
The essence of the letter is to ask officially that General Chair Agus Yudhoyono be willing to be his vice presidential candidate.
However, something unexpected and hard to believe happened. In the midst of the process of finalizing the work of coalition political parties with Presidential Candidate Anies and preparing for the declaration, suddenly there was a fundamental and surprising change.
On Tuesday night, August 29, 2023, at Nasdem Tower, unilaterally the General Chairperson of the Nasdem Party, Surya Paloh, suddenly appointed PKB General Chair Muhaimin Iskandar as an Anies Vice Presidential Candidate, without the knowledge of the Democratic Party and PKS. That night, Presidential Candidate Anies was summoned by Surya Paloh to accept the decision.
On August 30, 2023, Presidential Candidate Anies did not directly convey it to the highest leadership of PKS and the Democratic Party but first sent Sudirman Said to convey it.
"The series of events that occurred were a form of betrayal against the spirit of change. The betrayal of the Coalition charter that has been agreed upon by the three political parties, as well as the betrayal of what has been conveyed by Presidential Candidate Anies Baswedan himself which has been mandated to lead the coalition," he stressed.
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