The Bener Meriah Police Criminal Investigation Unit, Aceh Province, has uncovered a case of fraud against the recruitment of prospective civil servants (CPNS) against 16 people with a loss of Rp700 million.
Bener Meriah Police Chief AKBP Nanang Indra Bakti said officers arrested a civil servant (PNS) as the alleged perpetrator in investigating the case.
"The alleged perpetrator is a woman with the initials N, aged 46 years. The perpetrator is a civil servant at a junior high school in Bireuen Regency. From the investigation, it was revealed that 16 victims had lost Rp700 million," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 31.
The police chief said the investigation of the case began with a report by a victim named Feri Ahyumuddin in March 2023. The victim was an honorary employee who was registered as a resident of Uning Teritit Village, Bukit District, Bener Meriah Regency.
In his report, the victim said that in September 2021, the alleged perpetrator promised to take care of graduation as a CPSN through a special route.
To be able to graduate as a CPNS, the perpetrator gave the victim a condition of giving Rp40 million. If later the victim does not pass, the money will be refunded in full without deducting a penny.
"Furthermore, the victim sent money through the bank to the perpetrator's account amounting to Rp40 million. Not long after, the victim received a CPNS graduation notification letter, as well as an employee identification number," said the Police Chief.
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In the notification letter, it was also stated where the victim was assigned. However, after being confirmed to the State Civil Service Agency, it turned out that the notification letter was invalid. The State Civil Service Agency never issued the notification letter.
"After receiving the victim's report, the Criminal Investigation Unit personnel investigated and found preliminary evidence of N's involvement. Furthermore, investigators named N as a suspect," said the Police Chief.
Suspect N was arrested at a place in Labuhanhaji District, South Aceh Regency, on August 24, 2023. Now, suspect N is being held at the Bener Meriah Police Headquarters.
"Investigators suspect that suspect N violated Article 372 in conjunction with Article 378 of the Criminal Code. The maximum penalty is four years in prison. Investigators are also trying to reveal whether other parties are involved or not," said Nanang.
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