
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo said the urgency of issuing a Government Regulation in Lieu of the Law (Perppu) on the 2024 Pilkada needs to be considered in depth.

"I haven't gotten there yet. What is the urgency, what is the reason, everything needs to be considered in depth," said President Jokowi, quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, August 31.

The President said that all studies were still being carried out by the Ministry of Home Affairs. He stated that he did not know the results of the study.

"I think all of that is still being studied at the Ministry of Home Affairs and I don't know about that yet," he said.

Previously, the issue of accelerating the implementation of the 2024 Regional Head Election, from November to September 2024. The acceleration of the Pilkada is said to be carried out through the issuance of a Perppu by the President.

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