
Eleven hectares of rice fields in Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands, began to experience drought due to the impact of the El Nino phenomenon that hit the area.

"The current condition of rice fields in Belitung is starting to experience drought due to the impact of the El Nino phenomenon, recorded 11 hectares of dry rice fields," said Head of Food Crops and Horticulture, Belitung Food and Agriculture Security Service, Tenny Meireni, as reported by ANTARA, Wednesday, August 30.

According to him, currently his party is collecting data on the area of other rice fields in the area which is experiencing drought due to the El Nino phenomenon.

"We are currently collecting data on the area of rice fields owned by farmers who are experiencing drought due to the El Nino phenomenon," he said.

The rice fields that experience drought are spread evenly in the area and cause farmers to be threatened with not being able to grow crops.

"Like in Cerucuk Village, Badau District and other areas, almost evenly experience drought," he said.

According to him, the rice fields that are usually planted in the area are currently experiencing difficulties in getting water.

Then drought also hit chili and vegetable farming in the area

"So plants such as chilies and vegetables also experience drought due to the El Nino phenomenon," he said.

He appealed that farmers in the area could anticipate drought due to the El Nino phenomenon by optimizing rice fields.

According to him, for the condition of the rice fields that have just been planted, it is hoped that more intensive water pumping can be done in order to anticipate drought.

"If the rice fields that have been planted and will enter the harvest period, thank God, the current impact will not be felt so much," said Tenny.

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