
JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian emphasized his support to always strengthen the development of village governments.

According to him, village governments need to be supported to encourage equitable development, which has often been concentrated in urban areas.

"There is potential in rural areas. If the production engine, our economic engine in the city moves, in villages moving simultaneously, Indonesia will jump (to progress rapidly)," Tito said in a written statement quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 29.

So far, the government has been seriously committed to supporting village governments. This can be seen from the passing of Law (UU) Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages.

The regulation provides legal certainty for villages to organize village governments according to applicable regulations. He also explained the establishment of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT) to strengthen development in rural areas.

The next commitment can be seen from the village fund allocation policy. With this policy, the village has a budget that can be used to accelerate development in villages.

The Minister of Home Affairs explained that so far, village funds have contributed positively to village development, some of which are able to encourage an increase in village revenue (PADes).

"There are many advantages. The advantage is that villages can rise, develop, including the birth of many self-sufficiency villages, self-help villages, underdeveloped villages into more advanced villages. Quite a lot of tourist villages are starting to develop, it's crowded, moving all the village economy," he added.

Tito did not deny that although there were many positive contributions that had been made, the running of the village government also needed to be evaluated. The reason is, the Minister of Home Affairs also often receives reports of certain individuals in the village government who are involved in legal issues.

This should be an evaluation material so that the implementation of village governments can be more optimal.

"We hope that our friends in the village will not get legal problems. Our village heads can accelerate the acceleration of development, prepare jobs for their communities, be able to capture potentials and opportunities in their villages," Tito concluded.

With these efforts, it is hoped that the village government will be able to strengthen its fiscal capacity. This strengthening can also be seen from the realization of the village income and expenditure budget (APBDes) which is dominated by PADes like local revenue (PAD) by provincial, district and city governments.

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