
Foreign ships with Indonesian flags were found operating to retrieve scrap metal from the shipwreck in the waters of Tanjung Pura, Central Bangka. The police checked.

"We have checked the foreign ship brand Water Dragon together with the Babel Police Ditpolair and secured several people for questioning," said Central Bangka Police Chief AKBP Dwi Budi Murtiono in Koba, Monday, August 28, confiscated by Antara.

Checking foreign ships to collect scrap metal using the crane, followed up on the Tanjung Pura community report.

"Indeed, we have received reports from residents, then we immediately followed up with the Babel Police Ditpolair and took several local residents to the coordinates of the operation of the ship," he said.

The police chief said several crew members (ABK) and workers were arrested for questioning regarding their activities in the Central Bangka Sea.

"We cannot confirm whether their activities are legal or not, currently the Babel Police Ditpolair continues to investigate, especially regarding the completeness of the ship administration," he said.

The police chief said that in principle the existence of the foreign ship that took the scrap metal had been transferred to the Babel Police.

"In principle, it is temporary in handling the Babel Police for administrative completeness as a condition for the operation of the ship," he said.

Meanwhile, Sungaiselan sub-district head Jakara Akbar admitted that he had coordinated with the police regarding this matter.

"We have handed it over to the police, previously it was the residents who were worried about the activities of the foreign ship taking and cutting old iron in the Central Bangka Sea," he said.

Jaka said residents became restless because no foreign ships had previously entered with the activity of taking scrap metal at sea in the area.

"I think the residents' concerns are natural because they have never seen such activities, but we have reported everything to the police," he said.

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