
Garin Nugroho said the Lima Gunung Festival (FLG) in Magelang Regency, Central Java, could last a long time because it has social capital, not economic capital.

"This festival with a cultural and social approach as commander-in-chief, as a turning point, continues to grow, so he lives in line with people's lives, but if politics and the economy as commander-in-chief he lives along with power and when there is money," he said in Magelang, quoted by Antara, Sunday.

He conveyed this while attending the XXII FLG in Sudimoro Hamlet, Baleagung Village, Grabag District, Magelang Regency.

According to him, the festival is based on the village community, although they do not harvest, the festival will be even better, because people want to share their feelings and that is not at other festivals.

"The entire festival is always calculated by economy, how many and how many festivals have died because it is calculated by economy, but this festival is calculated with social capital and he continues to live," he said.

At the FLG XXII, a number of figures received five Gunung Awards, namely Bhante Sri Pannavaro Mahathera ( Buddhist figures), Garin Nugroho, Franki Raden, Father Yoso Soedarmo, Nani Mask Losari, Wardah Hafidz, Suprapto Suryodarmo, Jaya Suprana, Amat Sukandar, HH Ahmad Mustofa Bisri, Mei Kartawinata, and Rastika.

Garin is proud to receive the Five Gunung Award. According to him, the award is the most important among the awards he received previously.

"I have received the highest awards from the French government, the Italian government, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, and from the Sultan, but most importantly the award from the village, because the life of the entire nation depends on the civilization of the village," he said.

According to him, the village civilization brought a nation to life so that the award from the village civilization was actually very important.

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