
Tebet Police Chief Kompol Jamalinus Nababan said the perpetrator of the murder of an elderly person with the initials MY (61), threw his knife after carrying out his action. From witness testimony, the knife was thrown into a ditch not far from the scene. MY victim died with several stab wounds in Tebet, South Jakarta, Saturday, August 26, evening. Including his wife, H. "That's right, there was information that it was thrown away, then there were witnesses who saw and showed us, the knife was sewer, ” said Jamalinus when confirmed, Sunday, August 27. The evidence allegedly to kill the husband and wife has been secured by investigators as a clue to reveal the identity of the perpetrator of the murder. "“ Already secured (the sharp weapon)," he said Regarding the rumors that the perpetrator was the victim's younger brother, Jamalinus did not want to speculate because he was waiting for another victim's statement to be treated. "The alleged perpetrator has not yet dared to speak because we are checking his real identity. Meanwhile, this neighbor is still suspected. If the mother can be spoken to carefully, the motive for all kinds of things will be more open," he concluded. Previously, the police had examined five witnesses in connection with the murder case of a man with the initials MY (61) and the abuse of his wife, H (43) in Tebet, South Jakarta. The alleged perpetrator is still the neighbor of the two victims. "We are examining two more witnesses. Add one reporting witness, namely the nephew (victim). (Total) 5 witnesses," said Jamalinus Nababan.
Police continue to pursue the police to the location where the perpetrators usually gather. “ Not yet being pursued. Try to check maybe where he gathered with his friends, his family's house was already, ” he said.

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