
BANDAR LAMPUNG - Not accepting that his car was detained by the police because it was not equipped with a vehicle certificate, an individual civil servant (PNS) was desperate to steal his own car which was parked at the Bandar Lampung Police.

The perpetrator was arrested after his actions of stealing his own car was caught on CCTV installed in the parking area of the Bandar Lampung Police.

HP (53 years old), the perpetrator of the theft of his own car did not move when a number of officers from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bandar Lampung Police raided his house, Wednesday night at around 23.00 WIB.

The police raided the cellphone house in Beringin Raya Village, Kemiling, Bandar Lampung after HP stole his own car which was detained at the Bandar Lampung Police Station.

The cellphone that was at his house was successfully arrested without a fight, the perpetrator refused to be handcuffed and will be taken by the police for further investigation.

Based on information, the perpetrator is known to be the deputy principal in Bandar Lampung and has the status of a civil servant (PNS).

Previously, a unit of Nissan Livina car with police number (nopol) BE 2731 AR parked at the Bandar Lampung Police was stolen.

In the CCTV footage, the perpetrator is seen wearing a blue shirt coming to the car parked in the parking lot of the Bandar Lampung Police. The perpetrator was seen opening the door and carrying the car.

It was later discovered that the perpetrator of the car theft was the owner himself. The perpetrator's car was detained because it was ticketed by the Bandar Lampung Police Traffic Unit officer. The perpetrator's car was ticketed and detained at the Bandar Lampung Police because it was not equipped with a vehicle ownership certificate.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bandar Lampung Police, Kompol Dennis Arya Putra, said the perpetrator was arrested after his party conducted an investigation and checked CCTV footage.

"In accordance with the report of the Traffic Unit officers, the model of the clothes worn by the perpetrators was identical to the owner of the car, so the police arrested him," said Commissioner Dennis Arya Putra in his office.

Dennis Arya Putra explained that the perpetrator's car was ticketed by members of the Traffic Unit because it could not show a vehicle certificate, the car was finally detained at the Bandar Lampung Police.

"The person concerned is only allowed to take his car if he has brought evidence of vehicle equipment," said Dennis Arya Putra.

"The perpetrator stole his own car using a duplicate key," said Dennis Arya Putra.

Currently the perpetrator is being held at the Bandar Lampung Police. The perpetrator was charged with Article 363 of the Criminal Code regarding theft with a penalty of five years in prison.

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