
JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) stated that the 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup security system which will be held at the Indonesia Arena Stadium Jakarta is at a very good level. BNPT stated that it was safe for international activities to be held.

"BNPT has conducted an assessment, we see that it is at a very good level. We hope that the world basketball championship can run smoothly without any disturbances or threats of terrorism," said Head of the BNPT Environmental Security Sub-Directorate Colonel Laut Setyo Pranowo in a written statement, Thursday, August 24.

Setyo said BNPT played an active role in ensuring that various international activities that took place in Indonesia were free from the threat of terrorism. Therefore, BNPT conducted an assessment related to the implementation of the basketball world championship.

Setyo explained that the assessment was mandated by BNPT Regulation Number 3 of 2020 in anticipation of potential acts of terror that might occur.

"This assessment is the mandate of Perban 3 of 2020, where we must provide improvements to infrastructure, security patterns, security systems to operating control so that acts of terrorism can be prevented and anticipated," he said, quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, the Operational Director of the FIBA Local Organization Committee, Dewi Rizka Natalia, said that the results of the BNPT assessment were very helpful in ensuring the safety of the competition arena.

"We are very grateful because we can collaborate with BNPT for safety security, we get a lot of input whether the venue is good enough or not. The assessment really helps us in anticipating things that are not desirable to happen," he said.

FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023 will start on August 25, 2023 at the Indonesia Arena Stadium, Jakarta. In addition to field assessments, BNPT RI also conducted a document assessment.

The document assessment is carried out through checking management risk documents (risk management), security plans, and reporting documents on the results of the evaluation of the security of the activities to be held.

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