
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has named six people as suspects in alleged corruption in the distribution of rice social assistance for the Family Hope Program (PKH) at the Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos). They are suspected of causing losses to the state of up to hundreds of billions of rupiah.

"As a result of the actions of the suspects, the state's financial losses amounted to around Rp. 127.5 billion," said Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Alexander Marwata at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, August 23.

The six suspects are the former President Director (Managing Director) of PT Bhanda Ghara Reksa (BGR) Logistics who is also the former President Director of PT Transjakarta, M Kuncoro Wibowo (MKW); Chairman of the Advisory Team of PT Primalayan Teknologi Persada (PTP) Ivo Wongkaren (IW).

Then, the Commercial Director of PT BGR, Budi Susanto (BS); Vice President (VP) Operation of PT BGR, April Chuniawan (AC); Chairman of the Advisory Team of PT PTP, Roni Ramdani (RR); and GM PT PTP, Richard Cahyanto (RC). Alexander said Ivo, Roni, and Richard made a profit of up to tens of billions.

"Personally, IW, RR and RC enjoyed around Rp. 18.8 billion and this will be further explored by the investigative team," he said.

Meanwhile, the money enjoyed by Kuncoro along with three other suspects who have not been detained has not been detailed by the anti-corruption commission. The case began when the Ministry of Social Affairs chose PT BGR to distribute social assistance to PKH beneficiaries with a project value of Rp326 billion.

Kuncoro as a representative of the state-owned company signed an agreement. Furthermore, he and April Chuniawan and Budi unilaterally appointed Richard Cahyanto's PT PTP so that project realization could occur.


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The KPK said that PT BGR and PT PTP did not conduct a clear study until a clear calculation related to the procurement and distribution of social assistance when drafting the contract. "The full preparation of the contract is determined by MKW plus the date of the contract is also agreed to make a back date," he explained.

In addition, there are allegations that social assistance has never been distributed to beneficiaries. However, there was a payment of Rp. 151 billion to PT PTP from September to December 2020.

Then, Alexander said there was a withdrawal of Rp125 billion from the account of PT PTP. "The use is not related to the distribution of rice social assistance," he said.

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