
The Corruption Eradication Commission will transfer the case files for the alleged bribery case for the procurement of CCTV and ISP with the inactive Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana to the Bandung Corruption Court at the end of August 2023 or next week. KPK prosecutor Tito Jaelani said that the indictment had been prepared, and the delegation would certainly take place at the end of August 2023 or next week. "The delegation is planned for next week around August 30 to 31, 2023," said Tito Jaelani after the trial of the Bandung Smart City project bribery case at the Bandung District Court, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 23. Furthermore, Tito said that the case file, which is a case of accepting bribes for the procurement of CCTV and internet service providers (ISPs), had been transferred from investigators to the KPK prosecutor, so that the file would then be transferred to the Bandung Corruption Court at the Bandung District Court. "We just have to hand it over to the court, in the sense that an indictment has been prepared and we will delegate it in the near future," he said. Regarding the development of the case, he admitted that he was being discussed intensely with investigators, namely related to evidence including the facts of the trial. "Regarding the development later based on the facts of the trial, we are discussing it intensely," he said. The Bandung District Court has not yet received the case file for the alleged bribery case for the procurement of CCTV and internet service providers (ISP) with the inactive Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana, so the trial has not yet begun. "The case file has not yet been entered, the prosecutor has not yet transferred it," said Public Relations of the Bandung Dalyusra District Court when confirmed, Wednesday.
If it has been transferred to the Bandung District Court, he said that a court assembly will be appointed, then the trial will be scheduled to be held immediately.

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