
The presidential power team did not present experts at the follow-up trial of the material review case of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections (UU Pemilu) regarding the minimum age limit for presidential candidates (candidates) and vice presidential candidates (cawapres). "We need to convey it from the president's attorney, we should like to submit an expert. However, in accordance with the direction of our leadership, we cancel it, not to present an expert, Your Honor,” said the president's attorney at the Indonesian Constitutional Court (MK) Building, Jakarta, Tuesday. Initially, Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Anwar Usman opened a follow-up trial for case Number 29/PUU-XXI/2023, 51/PUU-XXI/2023, and 55/PUU-XXI/2023. The trial agenda, said Anwar, was to hear the testimony of the case applicant's experts 51 and 55, as well as experts from the presidential power. From the applicant in case Number 51/PUU-XXI/2023, the expert presented was Dr. Abdul Khair Ramadhan. However, based on a report from the clerk, the expert statement from applicant number 51 was submitted in writing. " “ Then, applicant (case number) 55 did not apply for an expert, as well as for the president's attorney,” said Anwar. The president's attorney explained that his party did not present experts based on the previous discussion of the presidential power team's decision. "“Based on yesterday's power of attorney we discussed, then it resulted in his decision not to present experts. So. this is due to the decision of the president's attorney, Your Majesty,” said the president's attorney. Because no expert will be heard his statement verbally, the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court then closed the trial. The agenda for the next trial is to listen to the statements of related parties and experts from the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem). Separately, the Head of the Legal Bureau of Administration and Marine Affairs of the Constitutional Court, Fajar Laksono, said that the president's power of attorney not to bring experts to trial is commonplace and common. Fajar explained that if the information given by the information has been deemed sufficient, then expert information is no longer needed. “ It's natural, it's normal. What is certain is that legislators, DPR, and the President, in this case, have provided information. If it is considered sufficient, then experts may not be needed,” Fajar said when met after the trial. Case Number 55/PUU-XXI/2023 was submitted by the Mayor of Bukittinggi Erman Safar and the Deputy Regent of South Lampung Pandu Kesuma Dewangsa. In their petitum, they sued Article 169 letter q of the Election Law relating to the presidential and vice presidential age limit. Erman Safar and Pandu Kesuma Dewangsa asked the phrase “ a minimum age of 40 (fourty) years ” in this article it was changed to “ a minimum age of 40 years or has experience as a state administrator ”. Then, case Number 51/PUU-XXI/2023 was submitted by Garuda Party Chairman Ahmad Ridha Sabana and Garuda Party DPP Secretary General Yohananna Murtika. Both sued Article 169 letter q of the Election Law. In its petitum, Ahmad Ridha Sabana and Yohananna Murtika asked for the phrase “ at least 40 years old ” in this article it was changed to “ at least 40 years old or experienced as regional head/deputy head ”.
Furthermore, case Number 29/PUU-XXI/2023 which was filed on behalf of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) also sued the same article. PSI in its petitum asked that the presidential and vice presidential age limits be changed to 35 years.

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