A total of 15 regions in Gunung Mas (Gumas) Regency, Central Kalimantan Province (Kalteng) have been designated as customary forest areas. With a total area of 68,326 hectares.
"The determination of these 15 customary forests was achieved thanks to collaboration and synergy with all parties. Thank you to all those who have supported, especially the companions," said Gunung Mas Regent Jaya Samaya Monong in Kuala Kurun, Central Kalimantan, Tuesday, August 22, which was confiscated by Antara.
He said the determination of 15 customary forests began with a number of stages, one of which was the determination of the Indigenous Legal Society (MHA). After the decision letter (SK) related to MHA was issued, it was only continued with the stages of determining the status of customary forests.
Various acceleration efforts in the context of MHA recognition and determination of customary forest status were carried out, one of which was through joint work between the KLHK integrated team and related ministries, institutions, provincial governments and district governments, including companions, from February 10, 2023 to August 8, 2023.
The integrated team works based on the direction of the Minister of Environment and Forestry, Deputy Minister, and supervision from the Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnerships (PSKL).
The results of the integrated team's work are a recommendation for the Regent of Gunung Mas to determine the Decree on recognition and protection of MHA, where the decree is the basis for the Minister of Environment and Forestry to establish the status of the Traditional Forest.
In its implementation, SK 14 MHA was issued by the regent and the other was issued by the Governor of Central Kalimantan. Thus, in total there are 15 MHAs in Gunung Mas who already have an acknowledgment decree.
اقرأ أيضا:
The 15 MHAs designated by customary forests consist of MHA Rungan, MHA Dayak Ngaju Lewu Tehuang Manuhing Raya, MHA Dayak Ngaju Lewu Tumbang Bahanei, MHA Dayak Ngaju Lewu Tumbang Malaoi, and MHA Dayak Ot Danum Himba Antang Ambun Liang Bungi.
Then MHA Dayak Ot Danum Lowu Tumbang Hatung, MHA Dayak Ngaju Lewu Tumbang Kuayan, MHA Dayak Ot Danum Lowu Tumbang Anoi, MHA Dayak Ot Danum Lowu Tumbang Mahuroi, and MHA Dayak Ot Danum Lowu Lawang Kanji.
Then MHA Dayak Ot Danum Lowu Karetau Sarian, MHA Dayak Ot Danum Karetou Rambangun, MHA Dayak Ot Danum Lowu Tumbang Malaya, MHA Dayak Ot Danum Lowu Tumbang Posu, and MHA Dayak Ot Danum Lowu Tumbang Marikoi.
Furthermore, a copy of the decree on the determination of the status of customary forests has been received directly by Jaya from the Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry and the Director General of PSKL, in Jakarta, August 8, 2023. It is planned that the original decree will be handed over directly by President Joko Widodo.
Previously, Deputy Minister of Environment and Forestry Alue Dohong said the momentum of determining 15 Traditional Forests in Gunung Mas was one of the positive achievements in the context of World Indigenous Peoples Day which is celebrated every August 9.
Alue said that the determination of the 15 Traditional Forests made Gunung Mas Regency the area that has the largest customary forest in Indonesia.
He hopes that the determination of the Indigenous Forest can improve welfare and provide real benefits to the community.
"Indigenous legal communities are the balance of globalization and modernization that sometimes does not match the geographical, cultural, and social conditions of an area, including indigenous peoples in the Gunung Mas Regency area," said Alue.
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