
YOGYAKARTA - Governor of the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X requires the village government in this area to create new jobs, in order to improve the welfare of its citizens, in addition to becoming farmers and fishermen.

"Villages have an obligation to create new jobs and for the lurah, we emphasize that we do not want to repeat the facts of the past, where in the village there is no job field other than farmers and fishermen," said Sultan HB X during the handover of the 2023 DIY Level Tourism Village Competition award, in Yogyakarta reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 21.

According to Sultan HB X, the DIY Provincial Government from the start has tried to help the economy in the village, to pioneer so that villages in DIY can grow and develop, among others, through the development of cultural independent villages, such as Nglangeran and Mangunan.

However, said Sultan, the development needs to be accompanied by changes in the mindset of the village community so that they are more creative, innovative and have good management.

Through the village reform program in DIY, he hopes that villages will not only expect assistance.

"The community together with the village head and village officials have a new management system, which can create new jobs, depending on the potential of their village," said Sultan HB X.

Community groups in villages consisting of various sectors, it is hoped that the Sultan will be able to unite in developing his potential to progress and be independent together without leaving local culture as a foothold.

Sri Sultan also appreciated the winners of the 2023 DIY Tourism Village Competition Award.

"Congratulations to those who can develop themselves and provide space for the village to grow and develop, as we hope in the cultural independent village program," said Sri Sultan HB X.

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