
JAKARTA - Police observer from the Institute for Security and Strategic Studies (ISESS) Bambang Rukminto hopes that the government's policy of increasing the salaries of civil servants, military and police can have a positive impact on Bhayangkara Corps institutions to be more professional and with integrity.

"Professional here means that it will be faster in carrying out its main tasks, protecting, protecting, and serving the community in the field of kamtibmas and law enforcement," said Bambang, quoted by Antara, Saturday, August 19.

Not only that, he said,. The National Police is expected to be fast and precise in responding to public reports whose indicator is an increase in the ratio of resolution of public reports, while the intention of having integrity is that the higher the salary means in line with improving welfare. "Thus, there is no need for members of the police to look for additional things by committing extortion or buying and selling articles, as the public has complained so far," he said.

In addition, Bambang emphasized that the professionalism and integrity of Polri personnel must be accompanied by institutional accountability and rule enforcement for personnel who commit violations, including the State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN) for Polri officials. "Without internal enforcement of regulations, the increase in salary will only have an impact on increasing lifestyle and the public will still see cases of fat accounts of police officers and abuse of authority," said Bambang.

Previously, National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said that the increase in the salaries of ASN, TNI, and Polri was proof that Indonesia's economy had increased compared to other countries. "If we look at other countries where there is currently a tendency to become a failed country, in Indonesia, we see that the budget for expenditure increases and even salary and retirees get an increase," said Sigit on the sidelines of the 2024 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Plan (RAPBN) Press Conference (RAPBN) in Jakarta, Wednesday, August 16. State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Plan (RAPBN) 2024 proposes an increase in salaries of eight percent for central, regional, and/TNI/Polri civil servants.

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